Godmode AchievedThe SignCharacter

(0.75; ×0.75)

Note: These are the basic stats. They can change each time the player defeats The Fallen Light's secret final phase, up to 5 times.

0 coins, 0 bombs, 1 key.

Starting items
No starting items.

The stats are changed by how many times The Fallen Light's secret final phase is defeated.

The Sign gets more hearts and less damage each time, up to a maximum of:
• Health : 3 Soul Hearts and 1 Eternal Heart.
2.25 damage.

Has the ability to fly.

The Sign fires tears backward, starting from far away in the direction he is facing and moving towards him.

The distance at which tears appear depends on The Sign's range stat.

Tears' speed depends heavily on The Sign's movement when he is firing.

Tears move slower if The Sign moves towards where he is facing and faster if he moves away from that direction.

On impact, tears burst into 4 smaller tears.

Unlock: Defeat The Fallen Light secret final phase.

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